What’s inside?

The pack includes information and activities to support men in learning more about how they can become a stronger part of the solution in ending violence against women. The information demystifies how violence works in our culture and the activities to allow men identify what they can do to change that culture. Altogether, the contents aim to help men be more aware of the dimensions of violence and abuse against women and to interrupt behaviors that can perpetuate a culture of this violence.

How much does it cost?

Thanks to the support of our sponsors, the Leading Change Expansion Pack is available free to subscribers.

It is made possible in part through support from the Heart + Soul Fund by EPCOR. The Heart + Soul Fund by EPCOR was created to support organizations that bring joy to our community and provide a lifeline to those in need. It is designed to help the arts community and charitable organizations build resilience and deliver programming that uplifts Edmontonians.


Why is this for men?

Most men aren’t violent. We made this new pack specifically for men who want to stand together with women and other gender minorities against gender-based violence, but who might not know where to start. No matter how active someone has been in this work, or has yet to be, the information and activities in the box will help them expand their thinking and be more active allies. Women have a role to play in ending gender-based violence too though and are welcome to order this Pack for themselves or men that they care about.

Why an Expansion Pack? Is there a Starter Pack?

This pack builds on what men already know - whether it’s a little or a lot. The focus is to expand understanding and move toward action. Everyone has a different degree of understanding about and experience with violence. Recent events like #metoo and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls have brought the conversation to the mainstream, so most people have some knowledge around the many ways gender-based violence can manifest.